- History
- 15 Jun 2020
History of Nepal & History of Kathmandu Valley
Like all other countries of the world, Nepal has also its pre-historic period, shrouded in obscurity. Its records of early times are as legendary as those of Homer and India. In the absence of facts and figures and other authentic records which help one to say something definitely about a particular historical event, one has [...]
- Cultural events
- 09 Jun 2020
Trekker Healer Massage in Nepal
Trekker Healing Massage is a Signature massage to relieve pain,restore energy and flexibility. Ayurveda Therapy, Yoga Retreats, Sound Healing & various spas
- Tradition
- 31 May 2020
Wisdom Power and Instrument of Shaman
A Shaman is a man or woman who enters an altered state of consciousness- at will- to contact and utilize an ordinary hidden reality in offer to acquire knowledge, power and help other person. The Shaman have at least one or usually more, spirits in his personal services. Shamanism represents the most widespread and ancient [...]
- Cultural events
- 31 May 2020
Why Spiritual Awakening Course Is for You?
Spiritual Awakening Course Whatever your religion or spiritual practice might be, Nepal has the type of vibe that crosses across all denominations. It might be the simplicity in which most of the citizens choose to live, following the belief that material possessions serve as baggage to your journey or the high altitude full of [...]
- Cultural events
- 30 May 2020
Accompanied by the shaking of rattles, the beating of drums, and singing, the shamans’ ‘’souls or minds drives in Shamanism State of Consciousness (SSC). The shaman specializes in a trance during which his soul is believed to leave his body and ascend to the sky or descend to the outer world. A similar distinction is [...]
- Cultural events
- 27 May 2020
Top 10 Gift Ideas You Must Know In Nepal
Nepal is located in the centre of Himalaya in the southern part of the continent Asia. With time, it has gained popularity amongst the enthusiastic tourists as the best tourist spot because of the immense variety that Nepal offers. From the different cuisines to the different varieties of souvenirs, Nepal has a great variety. Also [...]
- Cultural events
- 02 May 2020
Kathmandu Valley and Newar People
Cultural learning of Kathmandu Valley and Newar People excites many travellers. In past, Kathmandu is regarded just a staging place for expeditions, the capital city they go through to get to the Himalayas. Trek organizers typically set aside a day for shopping and a standard half-day tour that switch through some of the prominent religious [...]
- Trekking
- 30 Apr 2020
Restricted Areas Trekking Permit in Nepal and Fees
Restricted Areas Trekking Permits in Nepal Trekking Permits in Nepal enables FIT (Free Individual Trekker) or a group of travelers to explore various parts of Nepal. However, there are certain trekking regions known as 'Restricted Areas'. Restricted areas permits in Nepal are must, while exploring the regions that are geographically linked with Tibet. In coupled [...]